What is Flux Damping and Softened Magnetism
Dynavector is highly regarded as a manufacture of high performance moving coil cartridges based on advanced theory and unique production technology. The enthusiasm for CD during the past few years has caused a slowing down in analog audio business with the inevitable result that many small Hi-Fi specialists went out of business.
However, Dynavector's confidence in the superiority of analog over digital sound, we have continued to investigate improvement in the sound character of moving coil cartridges so that they will out perform digital sound.Unless a phono cartridge, regardless of price, can sound better than CD, it is obsolete and that is the reason why Dynavector has taken up the challenge to improve moving coil cartridge in order to protect the huge collection of analog records from oblivion as well as to encourage music lovers to appreciate the superiority of analog in general.
Our basic inventions prove even the sound from ordinary LPs is more capable to reproduce the full musically than CDs.
Fortunately, there is a trend amongst customers and dealers to return to analog sound (using high grade analog players and cartridges in their homes and at exhibitions) thus recognizing the limitations imposed by the existing digital format which is restricted by 16bits, 41.1KHz sampling.
Dynavector has decided it as time to announce the new cartridge which is designed on our brand new theory for competing with CD and DAT.
The Dynavector XX-1 high output moving coil cartridge is our answer to the market after rather long silence since the nnouncement of revolutionary KARATseries at that time.
Although the design of cantilever, stylus, daper, etc. in our present range of cartridge is almost perfect from the dynamic point of view and which has kept the brand name of Dynavector well respected throughout the world, for more perfection we found the interference between the vibration systems and the magnetic circuit is another important factor. So far, importance of this fact has not been considered seriously.

Flux Damping and Softened Magnetism
So many modern materials are being applied to high-end cartridges only because they are new and the products of high technology.We reconsidered the theoretical influences of magnetic circuit design to the reproduced sound of moving coil cartridge before designing XX-1 cartridge.
We discovered a very small quantity of magnetic flux fluctuation taking place in the magnetic circuit. This fluctuation was ignored generally in designing MC cartridges.
By our calculation and experiments it was proved that even a very small deviation of flux makes a change of magnetic force in the air gap which affects intermodulated distortion in the output signal, when high energy magnet like samarium cobalt or neodymium boron are used for higher output voltage. This is caused by the very high magnetic resistance of these modern magnets (very low recoil permeate).
By installing the flux damping (patent) and softened magnetism (patent) the unfavoured magnetic fluctuation has been avoided and any harshness or irritating edginess elliminated.
However, with or without the addition of these improvements, the frequency response test results are completely identical although the difference between the two is quite evident by listening. This fact tells us that the sound character difference is not necessarily verified by the conventional testing method in frequency or time domain.
With our new improvement in MC cartridges, we are convinced that almost all analog records, old or new, can reproduce absolutely natural music of which CDs are still incapable.
XX-1 has small on/off switch of flux damping by which you can select the sound character according to the music you want to listen.This switch has nothing to do with the cartridge circuit itself, so switching is possible any time without generating noise to the main circuit.